Wednesday 26 August 2015

Revealed: Toyin Aimakhu's Husband Confesses To Cheating

Revealed: Toyin Aimakhu's Husband Confesses To Cheating

The Nollywood couple have been having marital issues for some time, with the wife bearing the brunt of the blame in the court of public opinion. However, she might just have been vindicated.

Tinsel actor, Adeniyi Johnson has stated that his marriage to Toyin Aimakhu was truly on the rocks. He also admitted that he was the cause of the recent rift.

According to Adeniyi, Toyin caught him cheating and her reaction triggered the speculations on their break-up. Toyin on Monday had reverted to her maiden name on Instagram.

Adeniyi begged the public to stop accusing Toyin of any wrongdoing as he was the cause of the friction between them. He also expressed his remorse over the incident and asked his fans to help him plead with Toyin to forgive him which many have been doing.

He wrote on Instagram: “To clear the air of the recent happenings… I ADENIYI JOHNSON is at fault and not my wife… she reacted according to her pains and we all have different ways of reactions… I beg everyone to pls stop throwing banters and insults… u can channel all anger and grievances towards me and not her…. instead of abuses I would rather BEG u to join me in apologising to my darling, lovely and adorable wife… OLUTOYIN I’M DEEPLY SORRY PLEASE….. I promise to make things right…. I Don’t want a broken home….. #shecaughtmeflirting #dirtychat @aimakhutoyin”

In a bid to win her back, Adeniyi, this morning named Toyin his #WomanCrushWednesday (#WCW) as wellas #WomanCrushEveryday (#WCE).

Meanwhile, Toyin has remained mum on the recent issues.

Adeniyi and Toyin have had a rather rocky marriage. Sometime last year the pair, who has been together for two years, called it quits before reuniting.


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