Friday, 7 August 2015



A lot of guys are missing out a lot of opportunities on gurls especially wen ...dey visit dem at home and it feels bad...dnt worry guys u wont miss out again..wen she comes visiting and wants s*x witout letting you no ..directly...LET get started.....

1. Assure Me You Will Not Initiate Sex When I Visit You
Yes a lady once told me prior to her arrival that I should assure her I will not touch her when she comes. She actually wanted to know if I'm capable

2. I Feel So bored
When you turn yourself into a clown just to put a smile on her face and she still tells you she's bored, oooooh boi, na you come sabi oooo

3. I'm feeling heat
It's normal to feel heat inside a stuffy room condition, but it's abnormal to feel heat when the AC is at high frequency. She'd be like, please get me a hand fan, haba inside AC ? that's awkward

4. She Says No To Everything
She says NO to movies, she says NO to checking of photo albums, she says NO to magazines, she says NO to everything. It's just one of those signs

5. She Stops Talking
Someone who has been talking to you suddenly stopped responding to your chat, isn't that weird ?

6. She Says You Are Not Romantic
When men were boys, a lady visited me and uttered that statement but I never understood what she meant until she stopped visiting. When you are both in the room and she tells it to straight to your face that you are not romantic, then she has indirectly signal to you to do the needful

7. Please Lock The Door
In some cases, she will tell you to lock the door with the key cos she doesn't like the noise coming from outside

8. She Checks Her WristWatch At Intervals
If she checks her watch by intervals and keeps reminding by intervals that she will soon be going, it's just one of those signs

9. She Keeps Silent When Her Boyfriend's Pals Are Present
Yes many of them will keep mute so as to signal to his friends that she's not feeling their presence and that they should bleep off

10. She Rejects Your Permission
Not every guy is way too forward to make moves. However, some might take permission before making moves. For example, the guy asks, "please can I kiss you ?", she replies " I don't know" ooooooh boi na you come know ooooo

10. She tells you "the movie is boring"
Nigga, be at alert she wants it anytime from now!

11. She starts lie! 
She want make you try touching her, if you call her name during this period she will not answer (even if she just slept 2secs ago)

12. She looses one of her are a big fool if you don't make a move

13. She comes to your house with a skirt...nigga, even a prophet don't need to show you what will happen later does nights

14. She asks for the toilet...mehn, she don wet! she just wanna go keep calm indoor

15. She sits on the bed comfortable...forget about she not thinking anything isn't there any chair in your room?

16. You move close to her and she says please don't think about it...nigga she is just fonting, be a man and kiss those lips

17. You are both watching a movie and she keeps quiet in a scene where they were straffing or kissing..oboy, she don dey feel the shii down there

Oh! My God, did i just wrote No 10. Twice? I bet u didnt even noticed...Are u laughing now? Lol. 


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