Tuesday 20 October 2015

8 Things Guys Will Do When They Are Seriously In Love (Must Read)

8 Things Guys Will Do When They Are Seriously In Love

I have lots of male friends,in fact I love to keep them as friend even my parent know that very well.In my little study about guys and my interactions with them,I discovered that guys actually could get seriously in love with a girl and when they do,these are the signs

1.He will always want to be with you
It is possible for a guy to be always busy but the truth is,if a guy truly loves a girl,he will try to create time out of his busy schedule just to be with her.

2.He feels so confident about you
That moment when you step into a place and he walks up to you and tell you how gorgeous you look even though you are not putting on the best of clothes.If he sees beauty in you when others think of you as ugly,That’s a sign.

3.When he is willing to wait
He may be one guy who loves $ex and loves making out with whoever he dates but when he decides to wait till he is committed “married” before he dig it down with you then it means he thinks of you as special.He loves you..

4.When he introduces you to his friends and family
When a guy loves you,he wont hesitate to do the needful because He feels lucky having you and he is scared of loosing you to another guy.

5.He always want to be seen in public with you by his side
When he takes you out to every occasion he attends,it doesn’t mean he is selfish/overprotective of you.it means he feels confident about you and he loves you.He doesn’t see the relationship as just a joke and he is ready to invest his time and his resource to build up lovely memories.

6.When he sees you and smile even though he is upset
When your guy seem to be upset with everything and everybody around him but immediately you show up he smiles like……..That is a sign that you mean a lot to him.

7.When he respect your privacy and is concerned about your success
when he respect the fact that you need to work or study and in most cases he’s willing to burn the night with you just to make sure you achieve your goal successfully. Then he loves you

8.When he tell you crazy things and does crazy things
When he tells you how many times he purged that morning after eating something funny,how had to sneak into the kitchen to taste what you were cooking when you were not looking,when he still kisses from you wen you are not looking….That means he sees you as a friend,confidant and as his love.

Please feel free to add yours,I dedicate this topic to the broken hearten ladies.May you find love

Monday 28 September 2015

Man Who Has Been Mad For 32 Years Does This Shocking Thing In Ondo

Man Commits Suicide After 32-Year Mental Illness

Tope Ogunmodede, a middle-aged man, who has been battling mental illness has reportedly committed suicide in Ondo state.

According to Nigerian Tribune, the man committed suicide by hanging himself in Lafe area of Akure, the Ondo state capital, at the weekend out of frustration.

Reports have it that the Ogunbodede, who could not visit the hospital (on schedule) for a medical check-up last Thursday, could not go because of the Sallah‎ holiday.

Until his death, he was said to be living with his mother, and left home on Friday after his mother had gone out.

Nigerian Tribune sources added that the mother raised an alarm when she returned and found her son’s body dangling in his room.

A family member stated that so much money had been spent by the family on the man’s mental illness before he decided that committing suicide was the best option for him to stay out of troubles.
Wole Ogodo, the public relations officer of the state police command, while confirming the incident, added that some police officers had visited the scene of the incident and had deposited the remains of the deceased in a mortuary.

6 Things Your Partner Wishes You Would Do More

6 Things Your Partner Wishes You Would Do More

Just like women, there are also a few things men need from their partner in a relationship, to make them feel appreciated and loved.

Some are listed below;

1. Respect him: A man is more likely to be satisfied in his relationship if he feels like he is respected by his woman. He wants to believe she considers him someone of honour and someone she is proud to call hers. Remind him that you respect him and show him that, through your attitude towards him.

2. Admire him: While women want to be reminded that they are beautiful, a man wants to feel admired by his partner. This is one of the reasons why a man would find himself being attracted to his subordinate as opposed to his superior. He wants someone who sees him as a man to be admired and be in awe of.

3. Give him space: Men and women process situations differently. While a woman is more likely to share her feelings to feel relief, most men would usually need some space to sort through their issues. When this happens, a man would need his partner to understand and give him his needed space without her making him feel bad about it.

4. Care for him: Men love to be cared for. They like to be nurtured through different ways. What this entails depends on the kind of relationship you share; it could be through cooking for him, massaging him, or doing all the other things he likes.

5. Be on his side: A man likes to feel like his partner is on his side, even during times she disagrees with him. He needs someone who os willing to take his side against any others and willing to understand his perspectives. He needs a relationship where he feels like his partner is his team-mate and not his opponent.

6. Support his decisions: Not only should a woman be on her man’s side, she should also be able to support the decisions he makes regarding the relationship and other aspect of his and his partner’s lives. She should be able understand the reasons behind decisions he makes and find ways to assist him in making his plans come to fruition.

Friday 18 September 2015

9 Lovely Ways to Use Your Hands When Kissing (With Photos)

9 Lovely Ways to Use Your Hands When Kissing

Kissing is a sweet workout that can spin your head around and make you happy in a matter of seconds. Even though you mostly use your lips and tongue during a kiss, your hands should also take part in this workout. The last thing you want to do when kissing is to stand still, even if you`re a fantastic kisser. When you and your partner do nothing with your hands, your kiss isn’t as seductive and pa$$ionate as you want. If you`re going to pleasantly surprise your boyfriend next time you kiss him, here are a few lovely ways to use your hands to jazz up your make out session.

1. Hold his hands

There’s something magical in holding each other’s hands when kissing. You show your partner that you want to be closer to him. You want to touch him and show your love. You show the warmest feelings of yours when holding your guy`s hands like in those French romantic movies. But don’t hold his hands if you don’t want to do that. He will certainly notice your insincere move.

2. Touch his chest

Not only do girls have sensitive BR*ASTS but man`s chest is also his erogenous zone. No matter whether he has some clothes on or not, you may run your fingers up and down his chest to let your significant other experience some new exciting feelings when during a kiss. Try to do it slowly and as gentle as possible to keep that wonderful tension going longer.

3. Play with his hair

Guys also like when women gently touch their hair. Play with his hair to add some pa$$ion to a kiss. Furthermore, it`ll help him relax and get the most out of the moment so he`ll be ready to give you more then. Whether he has a long beautiful hair or a bald head, touch it delicately with you hands to create a really romantic kiss.

4. Touch his face

When you kiss him, you can caress his cheeks as well. It`s one of the best ways to boost $exuality and to really burn the fire between you two. Sliding your thumb over his soft lips when pulling your head away also looks and feels amazing. Plus, you won’t have to worry about what to do with your hands.

5. Control his hands

The way you use your hands when kissing is important but what your man does with his hands also matters. If you don`t feel comfortable with his hands on his side, place them wherever you want. Your waist or booty are perfect options. Just take his hands and show what to do with them without taking a break when kissing. Men are smart so he`ll definitely understand your gesture correctly.

6. Touch his ears and neck

Touch his ears and neck lightly to make your kiss more delightful. It`s been proven that a man`s ear is one of the most sensitive, erogenous spots on his body so let your fingers make him happy by touching his ears. Also play with his neck and touch his muscles. Guys like to think that they are strong and powerful so why not emphasize his body`s beauty by touching his masculine neck?

7. Hug him

Hug your significant other as if you`re not going to kiss him at all. Place your arms around his back and get closer to him if you want to make this kiss genuinely intimate. It`ll be a sign that you`re sure you love him and treat him like a second part of your soul. Only truly happy couples can do this to show that their relationship is strong and serious enough to last forever.

8. Turn him on

You can turn him on even with a kiss only, but it`s much easier, more $exually and pa$$ionately to touch him down there when demonstrating your tongue`s skills. It`ll definitely make him want you and love you even more. Make your kiss hot by touching his sensitive body parts and get ready to have fun all night long because you`ll hardly avoid him after such a kiss.

9. Undress him

When you are at home, one of the best ways to use your hands when making out is to undress your partner. Do it slowly and gently. Be pa$$ionate and play with him as long as possible. Mens love such a game, but not all women are brave enough to play it. Are you one of them? Or, undressing him isn’t a challenging task to you?

When it comes to kissing, there are many mistakes most couples commit. While those mistakes can’t ruin your relationship, mastering some kissing techniques is always a smart idea. Use your hands correctly when making out to show your best kissing skills. What’s your way to use your hands when kissing?



So many things happen when you are in bed with your lover. However, you must follow some simple guidelines…

These guidelines are meant to be strictly adhered to because a few blunders can totally spoil the tone of the moment.

1. Not kissing

So many people do not see any necessity in kissing their partners during sex. Some base this on the excuse that the positioning doesn’t allow for it or they are too eager to climax and feel that it might break the rhythm. However, whatever the case may be, it is highly recommended that you make an effort to kiss your partner during the act – it will only add to the experience.

2. Biting before your partner’s ready

Although some people like aggressive partners, biting any part of their body before they are aroused may lead to pain and discomfort (and might even lessen the chances of any further action ) or simply scare them off. You might have to check that your partner enjoys it before you bite their ear, shoulders, neck or any other part of their body.

3. Ignoring everything but sexualised parts

When you leave out some parts of your partner untouched, it sends out so many signals. You need to gently caress sexualized areas as this will help in exciting your partner further; in turn, increasing the chances of them pleasuring you back.

4. Putting your weight on your partner

Quite a lot of people lose themselves in the moment. Yes, it is okay but there has to be caution. You must endeavor not to choke your partner up just because you are on top of them. Do not totally forget you are right on someone by dropping your weight on them. This can kill the moment.

5. Staying quiet

Do you like to hear it when your partner is having a good time? So pay them the same respect and speak up when you’re enjoying yourself. Something as simple as a little moan, or even saying something like, “that feels so good,” will encourage them and educate them further on your moan zones.

Read the rest here

5 Types Of Toxic People You Should Avoid At All Costs

5 Types Of Toxic People You Should Avoid At All Costs

Be careful! Toxic people have a negative impact on your forward momentum. These individuals are completely exhausting, and bring unnecessary obstacles into your life. You might meet these energy vampires at work, among friends or you might even live with someone toxic. The sooner you remove them from your life, the better. Check out the five main types of toxic people.

1. Those who are judgmental

When judgmental people come in contact, they always criticize everything. If you try to explain something to them in great detail, it goes in one ear and out the other. Judgmental people can’t give you advice or feedback, they don’t listen well and are horrible at communicating.

2. Those who are envious

Your life can be a very bumpy journey filled with highs and lows. It’s very important to have a strong group of supporters in your corner during the low times and when you hit the high points. Envious people will not be happy for you. They think it’s only them who should get all the good things.

3. Those who are control freaks

Control freaks are narrow-minded and stubborn – they don’t ever want to listen. According to them, they know everything and they know the best way to do everything. They are a complete nightmare to deal with in a business environment and private life. If you have control freaks in your surroundings, it can cause a “too many cooks in the kitchen” problem.

4. Those who are permanent victims

The constant victims will always make excuses and blame others for their mistakes and wrongdoings. They will never accept responsibility! Flush them out of your life and eliminate that headache.

5. Those who are liars

To be successful you have to surround yourself with reliable individuals. That certainly doesn’t mean liars, because you can’t trust them. You never know if they are lying or telling the truth. Delete them from your life immediately!

Stay away from the energy vampires!

Source: Entrepreneur

Saturday 12 September 2015

Guys: How to Get Over Being Dumped By Girlfriend

How to Get Over Being Dumped By Girlfriend

Did you just get a breakup? Are you feeling worthless right now? Are you dealing with a great amount of trauma because your ex girlfriend dumped you?
If your answer is yes to any of these questions, then, you stumbled upon this post. You are going to experience a great relief right now.

Why are you feeling ‘being dumped’?

From my experience of consulting hundreds of guys, I can say one thing for sure that is, a girl normally dumps a guy when there is potential partner for her.
Another interesting thing is, a guy normally don’t feel ‘being dumped’ as long as his ex left him for another guy.

So, why do most guys feel being dumped after a breakup?

It is because they think that they are being replaced by ANOTHER GUY.
For this reason they consider themselves worthless. They think that if they were up to standard, then they were not rejected.

So what about you?

Are you feeling being dumped because you loved your ex -girlfriend so much or because your ex – girlfriend dumped you for another guy? If so, then keep reading.

1) Welcome to the real world

If your ex girlfriend left the relationship with you because of another guy, then it doesn’t mean that you are not as good as her new boyfriend.
It only means that the love-criteria of your ex girlfriend has changed. It has nothing to do with you.
Everyone has developed his or her love-criteria throughout their life experience. When someone matches a good amount of those criteria, the other person falls in love with them.
When your ex girlfriend fell in love with you, you were matching most of her love-criteria. Since the relationship begun, you both have changed. Therefore, it may be possible that the love-criteria of your ex girlfriend have changed.
In this case, she doesn’t feel that much for you. That’s it.
And it doesn’t mean that you are a bad person.
The second thing you should understand is that it may be possible that her new boyfriend is matching most of her new love-criteria. That’s why she has engaged with that new guy.
This also doesn’t mean that the new guy is better than you. It only means that he is matching a few more things of her newly developed love-criteria.
This is the real thing why she dumped you.
Accept this and forget your own flaws. It’s not wise connecting your flaws with any type of rejection from a girl who doesn’t appreciate you.

2) Avoid virtual world for a while

It is very common for an ex to post cheerful images with her new partner on Facebook.
She does this just to make you feel bad about the breakup. The more you see her Facebook updates, the more ‘being dumped’ you feel.
The solution to this problem is simple. You just need to avoid Facebook, Twitter and other social networking sites for a while.
Or at least you should unlink your profile from your exes.

3) Avoid her for a while

After being dumped from an ex girlfriend, most guys feel terrible. They don’t want to face their exes. They try to avoid their exes.
This is what you need to do, too. You should avoid your ex girlfriend. By doing this you will not only avoid awkwardness but also prevent yourself thinking about a reunion.

4) Nurture yourself

As you lost your ex girlfriend, you have lost a good source of nurturing. That’s why you need to nurture yourself. Take some time to praise yourself for your good qualities. Write down your feelings and convince yourself that you are feeling down not because you are worthless but because your loved someone deeply.
Spend some time to rejoice the beauty of nature. Make tea or coffee and enjoy it with your favorite music.
Nurturing yourself is an important step. Don’t take it lightly.

Do all of these and you will soon get over being dumped by your ex girlfriend.

Assets Declaration: ‘We Will Not Publicly Declare Our Assets’ – APC Govs (Read Why)

Read Why APC Governors Vow Never To Disclose Assets Publicly

Less than one week after President Muhammadu Buhari and his vice, Professor Yemi Osinbajo, publicly declared their assets, governors elected on the platform of the All Progressives Congress have said that they will not follow suit.

According to The Punch, the APC governors noted that they would not be forced to publicly declare their assets saying there is nowhere in the constitution that mandated them to do so.

The APC governors explained that they were only mandated to furnish the Code of Conduct Bureau (CCB) with information of their properties and not to the public.

Plateau state governor, Simon Lalong, told The Punch that it was not his duties to publish his assets but that of the CCB adding that the law required that he declared his properties to the CCB but silence about public declaration.

Lalong said: “I have declared my assets as required by the law and it is left for the Code of Conduct Bureau to publish it. I don’t think that the law makes it mandatory for me to publish my assets. Anybody who wants to know should approach the bureau for the form I filled and submitted to it.”

Taking a different view on why he would not declare his assets, the Imo state governor, Rochas Okorocha said that those drumming for his assets declaration are mainly the opposition party, Peoples Democratic Party, who he said are still shock of their defeat at the poll. He added that the reason for this call by the opposition is with the intention to frustrate his government.

Okorocha said: “I will not rule the people of the state by public opinion. There were no calls for declaration of assets during the administration of former President Goodluck Jonathan.”

The governor decision was conveyed by his spokesman, Sam Onwuamado, who said that public assets declaration was an individual decision not a collective one.

On the part of Governor Rauf Aregbesola, of Osun state, he said that he was not disposed to public assets declaration as details of his worth which he had been sent to the CCB.

Aregbesola’s spokesman, Semiu Okanlawon said: “The constitution does not state that the governor should declare his asset publicly. I know that the governor has declared his assets to the CCB. The governor has met all the necessary constitutional requirements.”

Same applies to Nassarawa state governor, Tanko Al-makura, he kept mute on the issue of public assets declaration. The governor media aide, Tukur Ahmed, decline to comment on the issue of assets declaration of his principal.

On his part, Governor Adams Oshiomhole of Edo state disclosed that he will not publicly declared his assets.

Speaking through his mouthpiece, Kassim Afegbua, said: “My governor has said while it is constitutional for public officers to declare their assets, making it public is not a matter enshrined in the 1999 Constitution.

“Every public officer is bound to declare, but the idea of making it public is not in the constitution.”

In the situation was not different with Oyo state governor, Abiola Ajimobi, who has distanced himself from public assets declaration.

A source who does not want to be named said that the Ajimobi had already declared his assets to CCB in the buildup to the general election. He said that governor did that twice in 2011 and 2015 saying that there is nothing for the governor to hide.

Also, the Lagos state governor, Akinwunmi Ambode, is not prepared to declare his assets.

According a top government official that pleaded for anonymity, said that the governor has already done what is expected of him by the law.

The source said: “There is no moral reason for the governor to make his assets public.

“He did not promise to do so during his campaigns. Buhari made it a campaign issue and he has fulfilled his promise.”

The situation was not different in Adamawa state, as Governor Jibrilla Bindow has held the same opinion with his colleagues.

One of his supporters said that it was not stipulated in the law for the governor to publicly declare his assets.

For Kano state governor Abdullahi Ganduje and his Borno state counterpart, Kashim Shettima, public assets declaration is not compulsory.

5 Signs To Know Your Girlfriend Is Not Loyal In A Relationship

5 Signs To Know Your Girlfriend Is Not Loyal In A Relationship

It shouldn’t be an issue to debate on that ‘love’ and ‘loyalty’ are two different phenomenons entirely, yet, they go hand-in-hand with each other. Getting loyalty from the ‘modern’ Nigerian city girls sometimes, could be like the proverbial camel pa$$ing through the eyes of the needle, as projected by Christ in the Holy Bible!!! ..and especially, when your funds are low!

The average Nigerian girl that lives in the city might be a pain in the a$$ for you if you take her issues so seriously; carrying it on your head as if it was your destiny…especially, the flashy and trendy ones whose only dream in life is to surround themselves with as much material things as they can get . This situation might even prove worse when you are not aware of the ingredients that can bring about this loyalty. It is true that no one can be absolutely loyal, as other factors sometimes play their roles but disloyalty can be curtailed seriously when in relationship

1. She disappears during festive periods: If you are dating a Nigerian babe and she is fond of disappearing during festive times such as Christmas, New Year, Valentine’s Day, Easter, Eide-Kabir, etc, just know she is the disloyal type. She fake herself to be so busy during these times and absolutely make herself unavailable to you! She’s probably in the warm hands of another man who she feels can cater for her expensive taste and needs during the celebration season!!! Young man, you have no business with such a lady! I thought festive seasons were meant to be enjoyed together with friends and loved ones o:

2. She uses baseless excuses to explain her unavailability: Disloyal ladies hardly spend quality time with you except they stand to gain one material benefit or the other from you! To you, you are in a relationship. To them, it is ‘business’ as usual! . They always put the blame on rain, too much sunshine, breeze, traffic, friend’s wedding, etc, to avoid meeting with you but just tell her to come and collect a large sum of money you promised her and she will happily take the next available cab even if the whole rain in China, Vietnam and Cambodia combined is nothing compared to the rain pouring in the area where she resides!!! . Observe watchfully, bro!

3. She is so familiar with the joints you have taken her to and the regular male visitors there: She would know the prices of the range of drinks they have and the amounts they sell the ranges of foods they have in these places!!! She attracts ‘funny’ eye contacts and body languages from male folks around often and she sometimes wave at them when you act as if you are not looking! . How did she come to know about these places and what they offer if she hasn’t been taken to these places by different men on several occa$$ions?

4. Her phone hardly rings in your presence: Yes! Funny as it sounds, it is true. It is a tactful act that you should be a aware of…’your’ girl (everybody’s friend) could be the disloyal type. If she switches off her phone, you might suspect so she might put an old sim card that no one calls to disguise as a ‘good girl’ in your presence. This is an expo…if you notice something like this too often when she visits, try to call her number on your phone and see if it goes. If it doesn’t, don’t try to bother her on why she is using another sim she didn’t tell you about!!! Just know she is the disloyal type! You have an option…you can get up and dust your a$$ to save yourself further stress!!!

5. She spends your money but you can never see her penny: If she is the type that keeps her 20k to feast on your little 5k, just see her as disloyal! I wonder how some young men spend hugely on ladies who have never bought them a boxers or singlet before! Relationship is give and take. If she gives you s*x and nothing more for the financial benefits she gets from you, then she’s a pros!!! If not, what’s the transaction between a guy and a pros? Money for hand=back for ground . After all, who yansh dor help abeg!

Shine your eyes and be a Realist!!!

In the name of success, all women are bound to be loyal and confess that you are the man!!!

Africa's Most Powerful Passports: Guess How Many Countries You Can Go To Without Visa

Nigerian Passport Is One Of Most Powerful In Africa

Passports from all over the world may look alike but they have different level of power – how many countries you can visit without a visa. The world’s most powerful passport holders are from United Kingdom and the USA, as they can freely visit 147 countries, while Africa’s most powerful passport holders are from Seychelles.

Check out top 10 most powerful passports in Africa:

1st place: Seychelles – no visa required in 116 countries

According to PassportIndex.org, people with Seychelles passports have visa-free access to 116 countries. The most powerful passport in Africa also holds 23rd position in world’s passport power rank.

2nd place: South Africa – no visa required in 84 countries

South Africa passport holders can travel to 84 of the world’s 196 countries without any visa restrictions. The South African passport holds the 44th place worldwide.

3rd place: Guinea – no visa required in 81 countries

Guinea passport holders can enjoy 81 countries without any visa. For example, they can stay up to 90 days in Bangladesh and Ecuador; up to 3 months in Haiti Tunisia and Morocco; but only for 21 day in Dominica, and for 14 days in Hong Kong.

4th place: Sierra Leone – no visa required in 69 countries

Sixty nine countries are happy to host tourists from Sierra Leone without visa. The Sierra Leone passport holder can relax up to 4 months in Fiji and up to 3 months in Haiti; while Malaysia is visa-free only for 14 days.

5th place: Kenya – no visa required in 68 countries

Kenya shares the fifth place with two other African countries: Botswana and Tonga. A Kenyan passport allows to stay in Haiti, Hong Kong and Bahamas up to 3 months; in Panama up to 180 days; and in Cayman Islands, Barbados, Montserrat and Dominica up to 6 months.

6th place: Gambia – no visa required in 66 countries

The sixth place with 66 visa-free countries is shared between Gambia, Niger and Ghana.

7th place: Lesotho – no visa required in 65 countries

Lesotho citizens have visa-free access to no fewer than 65 countries. South Korea opens its borders up to 60 days for Lesotho travelers; while Japan, Malawiand Kosovo allow to stay for 90 without any visa.

8th place: Swaziland – no visa required in 62 countries

The Swaziland passport holder can go to 62 countries without thinking about foreign embassies and visas. Israel, Haiti, Hong Kong and Kenya allow Swaziland citizens to stay up to 3 months a year without visa; while Belize, a country on the eastern coast of Central America, allows to stay only for 1 month.

9th place: Nigeria – no visa required in 61 countries

Nigeria isn’t the only African country that has 61 visa-free destinations; Namibia, Tanzania, Tunisia, Mali and Zambia also have visa-free access to 61 countries. A Nigeria passport holder can go to Barbados, Dominica and Montserrat for half a year; to Fiji for 4 months; to Haiti and Saint Kitts and Nevis for 3 months; and to Vanuatu and Niue for 30 days.

10th place: Benin – no visa required in 60 countries

The tenth place is as well shared between several countries; Morocco and Malawi also have 60 visa-free destinations. Citizens of Benin are allowed to go to South Africa, Philippines, Malaysia and Niue for 30 days; to Haiti for 3 months; to Dominica for 21 day; and to Hong Kong only for 14 days.

How To Let Your Man Fulfill Your Romantic Desire

How To Let Your Man Fulfill Your Romantic Desire

Many women today complain of lack of enough romance from their men and that they are too monotonous in the way men carried out their romantic display with their wives. But when you ask any man his idea about how romantic he’s to his partner, men will list out several romantic gestures, and ideas that they have carried out with their partner.

When you take a look into all of these list men put forward, you discover that they are not bad ideas at all, they are all romantic but the women are complaining.

What is happening here? Something must have gone amiss, but the reality is that, you can let your man fulfill your romantic desire by showing him what it meant to be romantic in your own way. You should also remember that the word romance has different definition from different people, your man’s own definition may be slightly different from yours but all the same, you can harmonize everything together.

So, how do you let your man fulfill your romantic desire?

The points I want to make here is to guide you on how to meet your romantic craving, but you need to know that you can’t force romance in your own way into him but patiently wait for it grow to your own level when you’ve play your part well in it.

Communicate your desire with him; tell him how you want it, sometimes men a clueless about how to give woman their desire romance and it is at this point you need to come in and show him how you enjoy seeing him doing it in a certain ways.

Some men may not be comfortable with public display of affection where you want him to peck you in public, I have seen men that feel embarrassed when their women show some public display of affection in front of their friends. You may not like it but at the same time you need to explain to him that you really want to feel love at every time. Even though he may not too like public display but he must understand that you’re not making show for people to see.

Leave him some romantic note in his pocket or his office bag so that he can sees it every time he goes out and everywhere. You can write some romantic note or words like;

Touch me because you love me but not because you want to make love with me.
Touch the back of my arm and my neck. Hold me and place your palm against my upper back. Kiss my cheek, my forehead, the back of my neck.
Move closer to me and kiss me on my lips in front of family and friends and say thanks for being my love Be with me, talk with me, walk with me, and ride the tandem with me.
Tell me how beautiful I am in the morning when I first wake up with my hair ruffle, tell me of my beauty when I put on my makeup, dress up. Say to me I love you and always I will forever thankful for being the love of my life.
Say you love me in the morning, afternoon and evening and make it even the last statement at night before you sleep. Don’t let me ask before you rub my neck, shoulder and my back.
Excite me. Encourage me to face my fears. Rekindle my sense of adventure. Help me to loosen up. Push me beyond my limits. Make me ride a roller coaster with you.
Blindfold me and feed me. Bring me on adventures. Take me to new places. Enjoy new cuisines with me. Explore the world with me. Listen to me, look into my eyes and say I love you dear.

To be honest with you, no man will see all of these every day and still not fulfill your romantic desire. They are all call to action and reminder that will drive your romance to the rooftop.

3 Reasons Why You Must Never Breastfeed In Public (A Must Read For All Mothers)

3 Reasons Why You Should Never Breastfeed In Public

It is not a strange scene to see women trying to breastfeed their babies in church, shopping malls and other public places.

However, there has been an argument among women as to why women have to get to the public and decide to breastfeed their children. While it is practical to say that babies can cry at any time with the intention to eat, some women are have raised the bar of argument by saying mums should never do such when they are in public places.

However everything boils down to comportment. No woman will should deliberately decide to bring out her boobs in public, where other men, even if her husband is among the men. Here are 3 reasons why you should not!

1. It is totally inappropriate rude, and offensive

It does not look so appropriate to have your breast all out in the public all in the name of trying to breastfeed. Aside from breastfeeding, the breasts have just one other purpose. If you must do it while outside your home, a secluded place, where you are sure no one can see you, is suitable. Don’t use your breastfeeding to embarrass ‘unfortunate’ men in public who didn’t see it coming.

2. Breastfeeding in public can send the wrong message to a man

This is like a continuation of the first point. There are men who get turned on just at the sight of boobs…. Now, seeing this in public can cause them a great harm than good. You will not want your man (or any other man) looking all ‘up’ just because you decided to breastfeed in the public glare. Do the men around you a great favor, either cover up when breastfeeding outside or don’t do it at all if it’s not so important.

3. It shows a reduction of your self-worth as a woman

It has been observed that when women get married in this part of the world, they tend to forget about looking good. They lose their guards, some even go all the way to ‘throw away’ themselves especially when they are pregnant. This leads us to women with two or more children who do not care anymore about their bodies. Only a woman who does not have a quantifiable self worth will decide to publicly breastfeed her baby without trying to cover up.

New Human-Like Species Discovered In South African Cave

New Human-Like Species Discovered In South African Cave

Recently, scientists have found out a new human-like species in a burial chamber deep in a cave system in South Africa. 15 partial skeletons are the largest discovery of its type in Africa.

The researchers say that the discovery is revolutionary. It will change ideas about our human ancestors.

This species has been named naledi. It has been classified in the grouping, or genus, Homo, to which modern humans belong. The researchers suppose that these creatures could be among the first of our kind (genus Homo) and could have lived in Africa up to three million years ago. Also naledi could be thought of as a “bridge” between more primitive bipedal primates and humans.

The scientist who led the team, Prof Lee Berger, told BBC News: “We’d gone in with the idea of recovering one fossil. That turned into multiple fossils. That turned into the discovery of multiple skeletons and multiple individuals. And so by the end of that remarkable 21-day experience, we had discovered the largest assemblage of fossil human relatives ever discovered in the history of the continent of Africa. That was an extraordinary experience.”

The haul of 15 partial skeletons includes both males and females of varying ages – from infants to elderly. Scientists were astonished to see how well preserved the bones were. The skull, teeth and feet of one of the finds looked as if they belonged to a human child – even though the skeleton was that of an elderly female.

It is worth to notice, that homo naledi is unlike any primitive human found in Africa. It has a tiny brain (about the size of a gorilla’s) and a primitive pelvis and shoulders. But it is put into the same genus as humans, because of the more progressive shape of its skull, relatively small teeth, characteristic long legs and modern-looking feet.

Source: BBC News

PHOTOS: Meet The Tallest Married Couple In The World!

World's Tallest Couple Recognized By Guinness World Records

Chinese husband and wife have been recognized by the Guinness World Records as the world’s tallest married couple!

Sun Mingming and his wife Xu Yan have been awarded their title as their combined height is over 4.2 metres! Sun measures up at 236.17 cm, while his wife stands at 187.3 cm.

The towering twosome met at the National Games of China in 2009, as they are both athletes and got married four years after their first date.

Sun professionally plays basketball player, while Xu is a great handball player. It’s no wonder they are sports stars in China.

Of their height, Sun and Xu say: “Everyday tasks such as traveling by car, plane or getting a room in a hotel do prove difficult, but we’re used to these problems.

An advice for a successful marriage – no one is perfect, therefore you need to support one another on a daily basis.”

The tallest married couple ever recorded in history was Anna Haining Swan, whose combined height was 477.52 cm!

Watch video:

Friday 11 September 2015

Things You Can Do To Make Money On Campus (Must Read)

Things You Can Do To Make Money On Campus


As a student, you tend to face so many challenges, ranging from tution fee, hostel fee and other fee.
Let me not even speak about those ones now, because you tend you pay for those ones once in a year But Do you Know that the money you use in Feeding and buying Materials Is even more greater then the amount you spend for school fees and other fees and obviously, they are the ones that tend to consume more cash.

What are these other challenges?
-Departmental dues
-Hostel Dues
-Faculty dues…. Etc

1. Photography: The Photography business has grown from its state in the days to a renowned profession which people are making a fortune out of. Starting this business in small scale means you're not just making money at the moment but securing a strong financial future for yourself. You know how students especially the female folks love taking pictures, this is the perfect time to make maximum use of this opportunity. you don’t need much to start, just save a little money for a good camera, with a bit of creativity and you’re good to go.

Please note that doing photography professionally requires just more than the previous requirements mentioned but this should be enough to get you started. you can also take pa$$port photographs during school registrations.

2. Sale of Fashion Items: Interesting thing about this business is that you’d succeed no matter your gender. Both male and female wears rocks on Nigerian campuses and who else will succeed more if not their fellow students.

I know of a guy who is living comfortably and paying school fees only by selling men under-wears, yes, Just men under wears, most of the times he travels out to the region where these boxer shorts are at a very low prize, buys them and bring them to his school.

He sells these boxer shorts for virtually everybody in his region ranging from his lecturers down to his fellow students. I don’t want to go into details on how much these things cost, but its best you do your home work.

3. T-Shirt Customization: This business requires your creativity as a student. looking around you, you’ll notice students love fancy and funky stuffs. learning the art of this business means you’ll have fellow students begging you to collect their money for a t-shirt write up.

You can learn this simple business during your stay at home/holiday. You can start in small scale by doing the write ups on your own T-shirt, friends will like it and ask you to even do for them. Just start something. Remember the “My Oga at the Top Saga”? you see those custom t-shirts? Need i say more? 

4. Online Registration: Yes, if you have a laptop and a bit of computer knowledge, i don’t know what stops you from enjoying both the pleasure and money derived from this Job. you can register virtually everything online.

Course Registration, Post-UTME Registration, JAMB Registration, Job Application, etc. You can even make extra cash from typing a$$ignments and projects for fellow students. Do i also need to tell you the thousands of Naira made during post UTME registrations? All the tools you need to make good money are all around you, you Just need to identify one and work your way through it.

5. Website Design/Hosting: I’ll be a bit biased on this one because that’s what i do currently and don’t know if its suitable for students or not. But i can authoritatively tell you students are taping into the hidden money from this lucrative business.

It may take a while to learn the entire concept of how this things work but its something you can easily do while you are home for holidays. Website Design may sound a bit complex so you might want to manage the little you get from setting up blogs for fellow students.

This write up may not make sense to you because you don’t know a thing about website design, its why i’ll advice you to learn under anybody who is established in it already.
Look around your campus, there are students who do well comfortably with this business, it wouldn’t hurt much to meet them to put you through.

Below are the other tips which have been tested and confirmed.

–Starting up Tutorials : If are capable of teaching, you can earn teaching you cla$$mates and those below you in cla$$.




-Helping with respect to online a$$ignments: I know of people that make huge from this.

–Bulk Sms : You have various Fellowships in yur school.Don’t you know you can make money selling units to them ?-Opening a café |(This involves much capital though)

–Selling Textbooks to people.

–Opening up a canteen and employing people to work there for you

–Going into Political stuffs (These one is making sense sha, eg, hall governor,sug excos, etc)

Guys: Wanna Make Your Girlfriend Beg For Sex, Try The Following Steps

8 Sure Ways On How To Make Your Girlfriend Beg You For 5ex

Have you been looking for ways to make your girlfriend/ wife beg desperately to have intercourse with you? Well, you just saw the right article.

1. Now, the first thing that attracts women is your physical appearance, so here are some indicators to make sure you are looking your best at all times. If you follow these steps, I tell you, your girlfriend will think Christmas will come early due to her newly well groomed boyfriend!

( A) You may think this is funny but I’m serious. Make sure your teeth and tongue are clean by brushing them twice a day. Preferably, use dental floss and mouthwash also. The results will be lovely white teeth, and besides, who would want to kiss someone with yellow, unclean teeth and a dirty tongue?

(B) Well kept skin will look glowing and healthy if you take care of it. This can be achieved by washing your face daily with a face wash to keep spots at bay. Drink more water. Drink at least 8 cups of water a day. Mostly if you are prone to breakouts or have acne.

(C) This is my favorite part. Eat healthy and exercise when possible to achieve or maintain a healthy body. Make sure your toenails and fingernails are clean, not grubby. Also groom body hair such as trimming, shaving or waxing your chest and trimming your groin.

(D) Make sure you keep your hair healthy by getting regular trims to stop it from being damaged. Also, if you have eyebrows that meet or are eadvertly close, consider getting them subtly waxed so you look nice and groomed.

(E) Take care of your facial hair, by shaving or trimming- whichever you prefer.

2. Now the second thing a person notices about another is personality. You have to treat your girlfriend by spoiling her (I mean not doing it too much, too much of everything is bad). Surprise her with an evening picnic in the back garden or a park or a nice dinner. Follow the steps in How to Be a Good Boyfriend.

3. Touch her affectionately and often. The sense of touch increases intimacy.
This is a$$uming you have been together long enough that she is comfortable being touched by you. Most ladies like it when their man touches them all the time, remember. Too much of everything is bad.

4. Be confident.
Dispel all notions of timidity, and make her feel she can depend on you. Ladies want men they can rely on. But don’t be too hard.

5. This is very simple but very important:
give her compliments and make her feel like the most beautiful girl in the world. By telling them that, you make them feel respected.

6. Make your move.
Put yourself in a romantic and intimate situation with you both almost nak*d (in undergarments). Tell her that you want to have s ex with her. She will most likely comply. If she doesn’t want to, BACK OFF. If you do not, she will then be uncomfortable with you, you will most likely never get to have s ex with her, and she might even break up with you.

7. Do it .
Try to find a comfortable place to do it on, like a bed or a couch or wherever she finds nice. Talk to her. Get in the position that’s best for both of you. If it seems like she wants control let her, or vice versa. Either way, as you are sliding your pen*s in and out try not to be too rough. A bad sexual experience can make her never want to have s ex with you again. Tell her you love her as you do it, and try to kiss.

8. Find different ways to do it with each other, it will keep the relationship new and fresh. Plus it will allow you and your partner to seek each others limits and knowing where to stop or where to go on. This will bind you and your partner even more.

PHOTOS: Woman Grows Giant ‘Boob’ On Her Back For 10 Years

Woman Shows 10-Year-Old Breast-Sized Tumour On Her Back

A woman in Dublin, Ireland, has been living with a giant breast-sized tumour on her back for more than 10 years!

Scroll down for photos!

An unusual growth appeared on the right-hand side of her back a decade ago, and since then it reached 19cm in length and 6,7cm in width. Although the tumour did not cause any pain it had increased considerably in size over the last three years, compelling the unnamed woman to consult a doctor.

The impressive firm mass appeared to be a lipoma, a benign tumour composed of fat cells. Dr Tunde Abdulsalam, who provided the case report, said: “It is unusual to let it grow that big. Most patients would have it removed sooner for cosmetic reasons.

From my clinical experience most lipomas are small in size. And most patients frequently leave it alone because it is relatively stable for years and does not affect bodily function. But in some cases, it can increase in size as a person’s BMI increases.”

The woman is now waiting for the huge tumour to be weighed and removed with surgery.

Lipomas are soft to the touch, usually movable, and are generally painless. Many lipomas are small but can enlarge to sizes greater than six centimeters. They are commonly found in adults from 40 to 60 years of age, but can also be found in younger adults and children.

You Won’t Believe Why Woman Bit Off And Swallowed Neighbour’s Nipple In Lagos (With Photo)

Woman Bites, Swallows Neighbours Nipple During Fight (Photo)

Mrs Adelowo Taiwo, is currently in pains after her nipple was bitten off following an altercation with a neighbour.

Mrs Bola Olowolagba, who was accused of the said assault on the mother of four, was said to have refused to clean their 16 Oduduwa Crescent, Shasha, Lagos resident after holding a party.

This refusal reportedly led to a fight during which period, the complainant’s nipple was bitten off and swallowed.

Vanguard reports that Mrs Taiwo, while narrating her ordeal, noted that she had to handle the cleaning, but when Olowolagba’s husband saw her sweeping, he informed Olowolagba who came out from their apartment and questioned Taiwo’s motive for doing the sweeping.

This move led to an exchange of heated words and during the ensuing fight, Taiwo alleged that Olowolagba grabbed right breast, bit off her nipple and swallowed it.

It was also gathered that while Mrs Taiwo was still bleeding, Olowolagba continued biting other parts of the neighbour’s body before the intervention of other residents, who quickly rushed the victim rushed to the Igando General Hospital where she is being treated.

Subsequently, the matter was reported at the Shasha Police division after which Olowolagba was arrested and charged to court for the assault.
She pleaded not guilty and the presiding Magistrate, Mrs J.O.E Adeyemi, granted her bail in the sum of N50, 000 with two sureties in like sum.

Olowolagba, who could not complete the terms of the bail, was subsequently remanded in prison custody at Kirikiri Prisons, while the case was adjourned till September 21, 2015.

Marcos Rojo Said He is Scared Of Van Gaal, Read Why

I’m Scared Of Van Gaal – Marcos Rojo

Manchester United’s Marcos Rojo has revealed that his club boss, Louis Van Gaal makes him scared anytime he gets angry and creates his ‘bulldog face’.

Rojo was speaking during the recent international break where he revealed his admiration for the Dutchman and said getting to know Van Gaal will change a person’s perception of the notorious disciplinarian.

Goal.com quotes Rojo telling Fox Sports Argentina: “He has a really strong personality, but he is a great person. He has a bulldog face, but he is great guy. He’s scary at first, but when you get to know him and relate to him on daily basis, you get along. But only if you listen to him”.

Rojo also reveals that Van Gaal had a good personal relationship with his players, speaks Spanish and gives good pep talk.

Rojo described Van Gaal as ‘cara de perro’ a phrase used in Argentina for someone who rarely smiles and is usually frowning.

The Argentine left-back is yet to appear for United this season after being dropped by the manager for missing the club’s pre-season tour of the United States due to passport issues.

Tragic! How Dispute Over Tubers Of Yam Led To Farmer’s Death

Man Kills Farmer Over Tubers Of Yam

Ondo state policemen have arrested four suspects for the murder of a farmer, Lamidi Adeyeye, over the theft of 10 tubers of yam at Ido Ani, in Ose local government area of Ondo state.

According to Vanguard, Adeyeye was reportedly matcheted to death on his farm after he met one of the suspected killers stealing his tubers of yam.

The suspected killer identified as Dayo was caught stealing 10 tubers of yam at Odogbede village, by the deceased, Punch reports.

A resident, of the village who asked not to be named said: “The suspect attacked Adeyeye when he raised the alarm. He overpowered the deceased, hacked him to death and buried him.”

It was gathered that when Adeyeye did not return home in the evening, his wife, Sherifatu, was said to have told the neighbours, and a search party was organised after a formal complaint was lodged at the police station.

The search party was said to have found the remains of the deceased where he was buried at about 12 am.

The police detectives acting on a tip off found blood stained clothes of one of the suspects, Dayo when his room was searched.

Dayo was said to have led the detectives to where three other suspects identified as Akanbi Adeboye, Baba Ejima and Olowo Johnson were arrested over the crime.

The body of the deceased was later taken to Idoani Specialist hospital mortuary by the detectives.

Wole Ogodo, the state police public relations officer who confirmed the incident said investigations was ongoing.