Friday, 7 August 2015

Read How Woman's Womb Stopped Growing When She Was 5 (Full Interview)

Read How Woman's Womb Stopped Growing When She Was 5 (Full Interview) recently caught up with Madam Grace Ewerem, a woman fertility specialist for an exclusive interview and she shared her experience on being infertile for 7 years and how she was able to overcome her challenges and became a mother.

How did you come about the NGO?

We came about it when lots of women started coming to us. We started something like a support group where we go on air and people talk about their lives, children and from there we started growing.

What prompted the bringing of women together?

At a point in time I had issues, when I got married, I wasn’t able to conceive for seven years, so from there I met another woman with the same issue, then one person will give birth and we’ll all be happy, we’ll pray…so that was how it all started.

What has been the basic challenge as far as an NGO?

As an NGO, one major challenge is funding, because Nigerian most of them don’t believe in giving but abroad is not like that, and we also have not been able to break even, although at times we get local funding but it might not b in cash, it might be in service, food items that can be used to support people.

What are some various things that can lead to infertility?

For women, it could be blockage of tube, irregular menses, amongst others, including nutrition level.

How do you think women can overcome these issues?

on our own part, we’ve tried to counsel women using the bible because God did not say if you don’t have a child you would not be in heaven, infact, in heaven there’s no husband, no mother, no father. So that’s what we use. And if we try all our best and there’s still no result you will take it as it is because it is the same God that says go ye and multiply, but if in his own wisdom you can’t mother or father a child you will take it as it, because what you can’t change you’ll take it as it is or alternatively you can adopt if you so much love to. And thank God in this era there are other options, like IVF, surrogate and so on. But the important thing is taking care of the child when you adopt him/her

Aside medical treatment which other way can we use to push infertility out of the society?

You know, we advise people to try and balance what they take, reduce to much of acidic things, you know in the olden days things aren’t like this, we tell people to cut down on fast- food intake and not forget the vegetables. And aside from that, we also advice people to get married early though in our society, a lady cannot walk up to a man and say I love you let us get married, but if you’re in a place that that can be possible things will probably change.. Instead people will tell you they are pursuing their education but for me I believe child- bearing can’t stop education. Lots of people go back to school after child bearing, but truth be told it’s not so easy but it can be achieved.

Do you think genotype has anything to do with fertility?

I don’t have proof to support that but I think so, because there are some people that can’t produce after marriage and you examine them and find out that they are both okay, and if something happens along the line and they separate you will see the woman having children. So some people are not comparable when it comes to that.

Like people will assume, can infertility be spiritual?

With science they will say no, but the bible also makes us know that there are negative forces in existence and you cannot rule out the work of Satan. He’s always there to pull people down and when devil is at work people will not want your progress and once they don’t want it somebody is out there in the spirit realm to perfect it.

Which case has been the most challenging you’ve had to handle so far?

Well we have a case of a woman who does not have a womb. The doctor said the womb stopped growing when the woman was 10 years old. You know the womb grows as you are growing. So at a point the doctor even told her to stop coming and also to stop spending money telling saying she cannot have a child that her womb can’t accommodate a child. Each time she comes to the centre everybody will be shedding tears including the pastors. We have a big centre but because of crowd that’s why we’re using here, so the woman couldn’t take it so at the end of the day we counselled her to adopt, which she did, and the girl she adopted is doing very well.

Send a message to all those that think the world is coming to an end because they are infertile.

Like I said earlier, it is God who said we should go and multiply, he’s also the one that is not giving you a child. Just take it like that, and again you can use your brother or sister’s children as your own because your action matters.



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