Sunday 3 May 2015

10 Disgust*ng Things Guys Do When A Lady Says NO $ex

1. Drives Her Out Of His Room

Vividly do I recollect the case of a guy living very close to
my villa who accommodated a young lady during her Post
UME exam. In the middle of the night, he made advances and
the lady in question denied him of entrance. He flared up and
drove her out of his room leaving her sleeping on a corridor
till dawn *Even Orijin101 is not exempted from this act *

2. He Refuses To Give Her T-Fare

He labels her as a GOLD DIGGER if she dare ask for T-fare
after which she had denied him of entrance.

3. He Resorts To Beating Her

Even some married men are not exempted from this
shameful act (so as some young dudes). I have however
seen the case of a man who resort to beating his wife
because she refused. Neighbours gathered in front of his
door begging him to please open the door. When the FOOL
eventual opened the door, he couldn’t even say what his
wife did that warrant beating (but we know what’s up )

4. He Becomes Overly Stingy

It’s no news that many guys exhibit ” my money does not go
for free attitude”. The notion that nothing goes for nothing
has turned many into becoming overly stingy the moment
their advances was turned down. Even Ronald4lif is not
exempted from this act

5. His Love For Her Head On Diminishing Returns

In the world of today, $ex now seems to be the talk of the
day. Many want to get laid so as to be on top of the game
and brag to their friends about it. When no hope of bleeping
is coming forth after several attempts, they lose interest and
their love or chase head on diminishing returns

6. He Lies About Stomach Disorder

I don’t know if this is medically proven but I have
occasionally overheard many guys complained about
stomach disorder when they are unable to discharge their
fluid. Many will act like they want to die just to make the
lady have compa$$ion on them and let them have their way

7. He Acts Aggressively

Those who only see ladies as $ex gadget would act violently
and aggressively like soldier going for World war III. They
become so rude and disrespectful towards ladies just
because they want to get under her skirt without
commitment and dump her in a wink

8. He r*pes Her

This is a common occurrence in the world of today. Many
will resort To Molest

9. He Turns Back And Acts Like You Do Not Exist

He turns his back to her and acts like she doesn’t even
exist. In some cases, he wears his shirt and quickly pretend
having an appointment with someone just to send her away

10. Guys free to add yourz

I drop my pen at this point


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